How it works
You can add your business to Digital Mark 8 for free and get found on the internet world.
Local Business
Best place to list your local business, help search engines to rank locally and increases Trust, Authority.
Get Leads
List your business and services and generate leads. DM8 helps businesses grow globally. Start now!
Add Listing
Want to get started? Just add your business to Digital Mark8 and get reach to millions of internet users.
Learn the top frequently asked questions
Yes, it is absolutely free to list your business at DM8.
Yes, you need to be registered before submitting a business information.
We live in almost every business/listing if you're not trying to make spam, fraud, scam, illegal, porn, gambling etc.
Our premium listing has some additional benefits with more exposure and tools.
For premium listing subscriptions there are no any refunds, in any special case you will have to write within 7 days of the subscription.
Yes, you can upgrade your subscription at any point of time but you can't downgrade.
Yes, you can transfer at any time.
You can request access but you'll have to verify your ownership.
To report you need to "report" on mentioned listing and provide details as asked.